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Investments with a Fixed Term

Glacier Vantage Life Plan

Get peace of mind with a tax-efficient investment that will pay out to your loved ones at the death of the last life insured.

You can adjust your portfolio when your needs and risk appetite change by selecting the appropriate investment from our wide range of well-researched unit trust funds.

Plan Details

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This endowment plan is underwritten by Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd, a Licensed Financial Services Provider.

Plan Details

R100 000 lump sum
R20 000 per additional contribution

  • During the first year, you can make unlimited ad hoc contributions
  • In the second year, you can make additional investments of up to 120% of the total amount you invested in the first year (for example, R1.2 million if your total investment in the previous year was R1 million)
  • After the second year your contributions may not be more than 120% of the highest contribution made in the previous two years
  • No ad hoc investments are allowed after the first 5 years

A minimum of five years (the first five years are known as a ‘restricted period’).

You have total freedom to change your underlying investments. There is no charge to make a change, but depending on where you move your money to, initial investment charges may apply.

Access to the widest choice of investments:

  • A range of risk-profiled investment funds
  • Local or offshore funds
  • Actively managed or passive index-tracking funds
  • Single manager or multi-manager funds
  • Individual shares, exchange traded funds (ETFs) and other instruments via the Sanlam Private Investments stockbroking service
  • You can customise your investment portfolio according to your needs, circumstances and how much risk you are willing to take
  • You could benefit from income and capital gains tax advantages
  • You can lower your overall risk exposure by diversifying across asset classes
  • As the tax does not accrue to the policy holder, no tax administration is required
  • You can save on executor’s fees if you appoint a nominee or beneficiary for policy ownership
  • You make a lump sum contribution
  • We invest the money in the underlying investments that you choose in collaboration with your financial planner
  • Your money can grow over time based on your underlying investments
  • The plan pays out on the death of the life insured or of the last life insured where there are multiple insured lives. The payment of the benefit will take place irrespective of whether the estate has been wound up. The value of the policy or amount paid out however forms part of the estate for the purpose of estate duty.
  • In the first five years of your investment (the restricted period), you can make one withdrawal and one zero-interest loan, both subject to a maximum of your contributions plus 5% compound interest per year
  • After the first five years, there are no more restrictions on the number or amount of withdrawals

You may transfer your rights to the policy to another individual or trust (if the beneficiaries are individuals) or as security for a loan.

  • Income tax benefits:
    • The interest income declared within the policy is taxed at 30%. This means you save on tax if your marginal tax rate is higher than 30%.
  • Capital gains tax benefits:
    • CGT will be recovered at a rate of 12% on all realised gains. Our reporting shows the tax payable on unrealised gains. We carry across realised losses each calendar year and offset them against future gains.

Fees vary per product and your underlying investment. Please speak to your financial planner to make sure you understand which fees you pay and why.

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It is important to bear in mind that any investment has some risk. We therefore recommend that you consult a financial planner who can help you find the most appropriate products for your needs and circumstances.


Sanlam Life Insurance is a licensed financial service provider.
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